LIRDEF Annual General Meeting
LIRDEF Annual General Meeting Friday June 25 from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm in Amphi H. On the agenda:- Information point by Muriel Guedj- Progress report on the social responsibility workshops by Clément Barniaudy, Christian Reynaud and Sophie Garcia-Barragan- Presentation of the vademecum for doctoral students' administrative procedures by Maëlle Mallent and Capucine Huet- Discussions on the LIRDEF internal newsletter project by Sophie Garcia-Barragan- Presentation of the work in progress on the LIRDEF website by Sophie Garcia-Barragans administrative procedures by Maëlle Mallent and Capucine Huet- Discussions on the LIRDEF internal newsletter project by Sophie Garcia-Barragan- Presentation of work in progress on the LIRDEF website by Philippe Gabriel- Open science and electronic laboratory notebooks by Quentin Dessables (Research promotion officer, DIPA-UM)In Amphi H and online