Plant management
Richard Étienne announces the publication of the book he edited with Caroline Letor, Guy Pelletier and Laetitia Progin:School management at the heart of change, Steering, collaborating and supporting educational teams.
This book is a genuine tool for reflection and support for school principals. It examines school management practices in the French-speaking world of education, situating them in the context of the changes underway, with the aim of discerning not only the activities but also the coherences effectively constructed by management.
The authors present 4 major challenges facing principals: 1. Leading a school for all 2. Developing partnerships and collaborations for leadership training 3. Encouraging and supporting teacher involvement 4. Developing skills to manage and evaluate teaching work, in particular through career appointments and classroom visits.
Afterword by Michèle Garant
Preface by Claude Lessard
1st edition | February 2021 | 288 pages