ADMEE-Canada's 40th study session

Deadline: May 20, 2018



Event website


In this year of the 40th study session of the Association for the Development of Evaluation Methodologies in Education(ADMEE-Canada), it is with great pleasure that we invite you to Montreal on November 14, 15 and 16, 2018. Come and enjoy the multi-faceted metropolis to celebrate with us the evolution of this emblematic and essential grouping in the Canadian measurement and evaluation landscape.

Throughout these 40 years of work, exchanges, debates and achievements, the study sessions have addressed a wide range of themes: from political issues to instrumentalization, via various theories and methodologies. In order to highlight the wealth of aspects surrounding measurement and evaluation, but above all to underline the collective dynamism of this field, the theme of theories and practices as a locus for action seems to us to be a unifying one. Theories, because they are an ensemble, a system, a vision that observes and guides action. Practices, because they involve transforming the environment as much as people, and because they are singular, complex and changing. Action, because it is synonymous with acting, inducing change, guiding and advancing. The theme "Theories and practices of measurement and evaluation at the heart of action" is intended to provide a vision firmly rooted in the field, to bear witness to advances in measurement and evaluation, in training as much as in the various fields of application.

Once again this year, we'll be holding a pre-conference on Wednesday, November 14 at the Université du Québec à Montréal. Several theme-related workshops will focus your attention on theory, practice and action. Other new features and surprises await you on the occasion of this 40th anniversary.

Researchers, practitioners, professionals, students and stakeholders from various measurement and evaluation fields (health, sciences, humanities, arts, etc.) are invited to share their theoretical reflections, testify to their practices, and discuss the actions they are taking, in French and English. In short, to participate in the evolution of ADMEE, so that it can live on for many years to come.

Please note that papers will be presented in the language in which they are submitted, without simultaneous translation.


The UQAM organizing committee
Carla Barroso da Costa
Diane Leduc
Pascal Ndinga
André-Sébastien Aubin