Seminar announcement: The role of teachers in student success, OTP, 9/10/2024

LIRDEF is pleased to invite you to take part in the next research seminar organized by OTP (Observatoire des Transformations Pédagogiques) in partnership with our laboratory. This seminar, part of a series of events exploring the dynamics of higher education, will be held on October 9, 2024, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm, by videoconference.

We are delighted to welcome Mikaël De Clercq, researcher at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Université catholique de Louvain, for a talk entitled :

"The role of teachers on student success: teaching practices on the bench."

Conference summary

The transition to higher education represents a crucial and often complex moment for young students, who face numerous academic, personal, organizational and social challenges (Trautwein and Bosse, 2017). While much research has already highlighted the importance of individual factors (such as feelings of self-efficacy, self-regulation strategies, educational background, or social integration) in student success, the precise role of teachers remains little explored.

What is the role and influence of teachers in students' academic success? How can teaching practices be improved to foster this success?

These questions, at the heart of current pedagogical concerns, will be addressed through recent research findings in educational psychology. Mikaël De Clercq's lecture will offer food for thought and open the debate on the shared role of students, teachers and institutions in the quest for success in higher education. There will also be time for participants to interact and share their perspectives on these issues.

To attend this online conference, please follow this link: videoconference link.

Upcoming events Next research seminar in November

A second research seminar is already scheduled for November 13, 2024, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm, with Bernadette Charlier from the University of Fribourg. She will speak on the provisional theme:

"Student learning in hybrid devices."

To attend this event, click on the videoconference link.

These seminars are unique opportunities for researchers, teachers and students to deepen their understanding of current educational dynamics and actively participate in contemporary debates on higher education.

We hope to see many of you there, and look forward to your questions and contributions during these enriching exchanges.

For more information on speaker Mikaël De Clercq, his publications and work, please visit hispersonal page .

We look forward to seeing you at these seminars!